Different uses for different types of covertures

INTENSE: This chocolate is designed for confectionery use. Its density is ideal for making uniform shells, and it can also be mixed with other types of chocolate of the same group:

  • 80% intense + 20% mid = Ideal for creamy filling.
  • 80% intense + 20% mild = Ideal for dense ganache with jelly center.
  • 100% intense = Ideal for intense ganache. 

MID: Despite its fat material, this chocolate still keeps the fruity aroma ideal for pastry. It is often used in French confectionary to cover confit oranges, and it is ideal for shiny covertures. 

MILD: Characterized by its high percentage of cocoa butter , this ccoverture keeps the fruity aromas. It is ideal for pastry and useful to reduce elaboration costs, resulting in savings of 30% and 40%. 

Use of the Double Boiler

1. Heat the water in a pot, pan, or recipient.

2. Chop the chocolate and pour it into a bowl made of glass or aluminum.

3. Once the water is boiling, put the bowl over the pot and begin mixing. Leave the stove on low heat, and continuously monitor the temperature to avoid the following:

– If the temperature surpasses 55 C, the cocoa crystals will get damaged

– A water film may appear on the walls of the bowls, which might blend with the chocolate 

4. Have an absorbent cloth nearby to dry any water on the posterior side every time you move the bowl away from the pot.

5. Turn the stove off once the chocolate reaches its melting point. 

Use of the Microwave Oven

To use this method, which is safer than the double boiler, follow the following tips: 

1. Know the features of the microwave.

1.2 – Its maximum power.

1.3- Whether or not it is deodorized (it should be). 

2. When doing maintenance, only light-smell detergents should be used. 

3. Use a digital over for increased control over the timing. 

Use a maximum cycle of 30 seconds.

4. Calibrate the ovens as follows:

4.1- Once the chocolate is melted, measure the temperature and write it down. 

4.2- Go through one cycle, then measure the temperature and compare; this should give you the right time depending on the cycle. This will allow you to determine the baking ratios of the oven. 

5. Once the chocolate is tempered, leave it inside the oven to maintain its temperature. 

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